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Entries already submitted to COBIS <br> for Art Competition 2018

With the leadership of our Primary Art Coordinator, Mr Goode, our school was again able to send entries to the COBIS Art Competition 2018.

Back in January, Mr Goode announced a school-wide art competition in line with the COBIS' theme: "Mother Nature and the Environment." An excerpt from Mr Goode's presentation stated,

"Nature is the most powerful thing. It surrounds us. We are part of it. Since the birth of human conscience man has tried to understand it and depict it in art. Religions flourished from its nuances. We always thought we were the masters of it, but have since learned it is not infinite and completely out of our control. The death of the environment is the most poignant topic of our age. We are coming very close to destroying it, which means the destruction of us. Art is a great medium to get this message across."

Students were allowed to use a various media for expressing their artworks: paints, pencils and sculpture/natural materials. They were given some pointers on what the judges might expect to see in their entries, including creating:

  • Comparison pieces (showing Mother Nature at its best and at its worst in one project);

  • the unfailing beauty of nature;

  • the reality we're facing on the potential death of nature

  • abstract representation of nature

  • morps (change smoothly from one image to another by small gradual steps)

Students in every classroom were encouraged to participate and submit their art pieces. Their class teacher then decided on which ones were to be submitted to Mr Goode, and from the pool of semi-finalists, Mr Goode came up with runners up and winners. The winners will be representing our school worldwide, competing with other international schools in Thailand and other parts of the world that are part of the COBIS organisation.

Over 50 entries with children's hearts and souls poured into them were submitted to our Primary Art Coordinator. You can just imagine how tough it was to pick a handful of entries out of that!

On Friday, 2nd of March, Mr Goode announced the winners in our Primary Assembly following a story-telling session where Max and Isabel from Year 6 read an environmentally-inspired classic story by Dr. Seuss, The Lorax, to their younger peers. They couldn't have picked a better time as 2nd March is also Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Check out the finalists and winners of this year's competition in this video.

Dr. Seuss, a well-known children's book author was born on 2nd March 1904 and wrote a whole range of books including The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham; and The Grinch who Stole Christmas. We have a box full of Dr. Seuss books in the library and our Reception students among other kids especially love his writings.

If you'd like to add Dr Seuss books in your home library, check out his books here.

Art Quotes:

‘All art is but imitation of nature’ – Seneca the Younger (Roman philosopher)

‘Art, as far as it is able, follows nature, as a pupil imitates his master’ – Dante Alighieri (Renaissance poet)

‘Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature’ – Marcus Cicero (Roman politican)


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