The International School of Samui takes great pride in its varied ECA (Extra-Curricular Activities) options in both the primary & senior schools. The ethos of a British curriculum school is the importance it places on all areas of a child's development and learning. The mental benefits of an all-rounded education on physical and mental health is key to the wellness of every child.
At ISS we take the well-being of our students very seriously, students receive regular lessons in well-being and parents are invited to attend workshops to support their understanding of mental health issues. A Mental Health and First Aid Parent workshop will take place at the school on Monday 22nd October. (See announcement here regarding the Mental Health and First Aid Parent Meeting on 22nd October). During the recent INSET training, the headmaster, Jeremy Lees talked in depth about mental health issues in children and how to develop strategies as a school to understand and respond to such issues.
Photo Slideshows: Primary School ECAs daily (top); Senior ECAs everyday (bottom)
This TES survey asked thousands of students in the UK from 47 schools offering primary and secondary education to find out their Top 10 most important elements of their school experience. In primary school, the number one feature of a great school is “kind teachers who listen, care and love us” and number two is the"extra-curricular activities".
For secondary (senior) school, their favourite part of school life is the "range of extra-curricular activities" followed by "great and supportive teachers. Read the full article here.
Based on these standards, we can proudly say ISS fulfills this key aspect of what it means to be a British school offering in excess of 70 different options a week. Our options in term 1 cover a full range of skills, from sports to the arts, from academic to digital learning, languages to music, sewing to cooking...and so on!
ECAs at ISS run from Mondays to Thursdays and are mostly free of charge. Some options are fee paying if we require an outside provider to take the lesson however as a school we endeavour to involve all students' in ECAs giving them the chance to hone new skills. Every term the options are different.
Primary School ECAs and Friday clubs

Senior School ECAs and Friday Lunch Club
