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ISS Primary School Punctuality Awards - how does it work?

Our most punctual students in primary school for academic year 2017/2018 at the International School of Samui

As part of our British Ethos at the International School of Samui, we promote positive reinforcements through different reward systems across the early years, primary and senior schools. We agree that this is more effective than disciplinary system, which is also important but is used in the school only as needed.

Every student at the International School of Samui knows that when they show their best behaviour or do a good deed they will get a house point or two which they collect to reach 100 or 200... a marble in their classroom jar... a commendation.. or a certificate from the Headmaster.

We follow the exact same proven strategy to emphasise the importance of punctuality.

Spearheaded by our Primary Assistant Head and Year 2 teacher, Miss Sonya Forte, class teachers in primary school calculate the percentage of perfect attendance and punctuality. Historically, the teachers expect at least 94% punctuality per class per week. Every Friday, during their assembly, the class with the best punctuality gets a certificate. Moreover, every end of term the ISS primary school house (Darwin, Einstein or Newton) with the best punctuality gets a trophy.

Individual achievements for

100% attendance

Aside from team efforts, we also take notice of individual efforts and achievements. And this year four students from primary school were brought into the spotlight for not missing a single day in the academic year 2017/2018. They are:

  • Louis Nunn (Year 3)

  • Theodore Lees (Year 3)

  • Uracha Watcharakorn (Year 4)

  • Nongyhok Buranachaithavee (Year 4)

For their reward, Miss Forte planned a nice trip to Samui Football Golf in Choeng Mon on 15th June 2015.

They were accompanied by our teaching assistant Pii Chompoo, who also made sure that we've got nice photos to remember the trip by. Miss Forte talked about how their morning was as soon as they got back from the trip:

"There were 18 holes and we had a limited amount of shots to get the football into the holes. Each hole was named after a famous footballer going back to the legend Pele. We stopped on the eleventh hole for a refreshing drink and carried on until we finished .

"Theo came in 1st place, Louis 2nd, myself 3rd and the girls runners up. We were given key rings with our score on them, stood on the podium and held the world cup in our hands.

"We then took a drive to Skippy Wonderland [the arcade in Tesco], and were given 50 baht each to play on the games. Finally we all had a Dairy Queen ice cream and went back to school."

Louis, Theo, Uracha and Nongyhok had a super fun morning around Samui as their treat for being the most punctual students at the International School of Samui this year!

Just look at the smiles on their faces and see them enjoy their reward for being punctual. An experience and virtue they will carry with them for years. And may this be an inspiration to other students to aim for this achievement next year!


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