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ISS students have triumphed once again at the 2023 Kangaroo Maths Competition


ISS students have triumphed once again at the 2023 Kangaroo Maths Competition, bringing home a Gold and a Silver Medal, 4 Bronze Medals and 2 Merit Medals. These are amazingly impressive individual efforts considering the 6 million competitors from 80 different countries, and we are especially proud of their achievements. The full list of winners is:

Petr (Y9) G7 - Gold

Aiden (Y10) G9 - Silver

Pear (Y11) G10 - Bronze

Geonho (Y8) G7 - Bronze

Artem (Y7) G6 - Bronze

Phoenix (Y4) G3 - Bronze

Grisha (Y7) G6 - Merit

Taro (Y3) G2 - Merit


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