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Primary Dance Show 2019 was indeed “The Greatest Show”!

April at ISS are full of life and wonderful school activities and this year was no exception and all the end of term shows have been exceptional.

Our primary students never fail to impress and entertain the audience with their incredible dance routines. This year’s dance show had everyone on their feet dancing to the paces of Mr Mitcham as he got the students and crowd warmed up. Mrs Andrewartha, our deputy head, summed it up quite accurately, as she congratulated Mr Mitcham, “you have set the bar too high!” Next year’s warm up dancer will probably need to do some handstands to top that”.

The choices of songs and the choreography of each dance made it a memorable show. The performances started with year 5 dancing to “Rock Around the Clock”, 1950s Rock n’ Roll classic! Year 5 parents created some fantastic costumes which gave the children real presence on stage.

Even our youngest students in the reception class got their chance to wow the audience. Miss Vanhoeck, their teacher chose a perfect tune, “Cake by the Ocean”, to get them into the groove. They looked so adorable dressed in blue jeans and white t-shirts. Their timing and moves were spot on! Miss Mooney, one of the 3 judges and a dance specialist herself, was blown away by their performance and said: “this is one of the best Reception class performances we’ve ever seen”.

Year 1 students followed immediately dancing to “I Like to Move it” and they showed us how much they like to, and can, move!! They also crafted colourful cheerleading pompoms which made their dance even more special. Congratulations to Miss Ball for a great debut in leading our Year 1s on the dance floor!

Year 4 class blew away the audience with the most creative costumes and a well-choreographed dance to “Ghostbusters”! Mr Andrewartha really gave us all a remarkable performance which also told a story as it involved the audience. They used their props, toy water guns, to spray everyone with water at the end of their routine, an early Songkran treat for everyone!

Year 3 did not disappoint with another classic from the 70s, “You should be dancing”. This super energetic and talented class were really able to show off their talent this year. The judges comments said it all: “Great choreography + beautiful 70s costumes + talent = the complete package”!

Year 2 performed the global top hit song, “Call me Maybe”. Miss Forte was so proud of her class having herself, energetically, trained them through their paces for the past half-term. This performance was a total hit, everyone just wanted to get up and dance with them! They were simply too cute and sweet!

The grand finale from our year 6 performers to the hit song, “Waka Waka” by Shakira was so impressive. Mr Roberts, a football fan himself, choose their football-themed costumes perfectly given this song was the World Cup winning tune of 2010. With a mix of dancing, acrobatics and gymnastics they executed a perfect dance routine working in groups and in perfect tune to the music. Mr Gubbins commented “on the perfect ‘musicality’ and how the moves and tune were in perfect harmony with each other”.

Congratulations to all the primary students for another hugely successful Dance Show! And without a doubt, you deserve the following awards:

Best in Costume – Year 5

Best in Choreography – Reception

Best in Musicality – Year 3

Best in Timing and Synchronicity – Year 6

Best in Showmanship & Entertainment – Year 4

Best in Originality – Year 4

Best in Technique – Year 2

Lastly, a big well done to Mr Roberts for coordinating the entire show, overseeing it from the preparations to the very last minute. We also would like to thank our judges, Miss Mooney, Mr Gubbins and parent Natasha (mum of Leila and Rahul), for their knowledge, expertise of dance and music as well as their input on each dance.

At the very end of the show we were treated to a guest performance from our year 7 students who performed their routine from the Show Off spectacle. They executed beautifully “The Greatest Showman” which really rounded up a wonderful morning and summed up this event: “The Greatest Show”! Well done Mr Roberts.

You can also watch the highlights of the Primary School Dance Show 2019 on our Youtube channel. Cilck here


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