Do you still remember the journey started by Year 1 class when they went to the beach and found a message in a bottle, apparently written by a stranded pirate? You can read more about it here. Miss Spencer summed up their entire experience:
"Following our trip to Choeng Mon, we studied maps of Koh Samui and looked carefully at the Pirate's clues. We then decided that he must be stranded at the waterfall. I went to the waterfall after school and found a pirate hat full of gold coins and pirate medallions but the pirate had already been rescued. We then worked to write our own message in a bottle. We pretended to be stranded in the playground at school, we wrote about what we could see, hear, feel and smell. We wrote up our messages neatly onto tea stained paper. We then visited the pirate ship as treat to end our topic. This week in project week we are exploring floating and sinking and designing and making our very own pirate ships."
That was a month-long adventure in the Pirates' world. And after all their hard work in solving the mystery by reading maps, doing calculations of locations and uncovering clues left by the pirate, their journey ended on 1st June in the Red Baron boat Samui.
It was a windy day which turned out to be a blessing as the weather was cool and the rocking boat added to the fun!
(And no need to worry parents as actually we were docked the whole time.)
Just look at the slideshow of photos on the right and you can see the children having a good laugh as the boat was wobbly and they were being rocked back and forth -- ohh but Miss Spencer asked them to form a straight line!
Miss Spencer -- with the help of Pii Raan, Pii Aor and Mr Mitcham -- prepared plenty of educational Pirate activities for the students. One time, they passed around a pouch of questions and instructions and anyone who is caught holding the pouch when the music stops must pull out a paper from the bag. The students were asked to do an authentic "Arrrrrrrr!", answer short quizzes about a recent pirate book they just read, and walk like a real pirate!
After their snacks and games, they had a colouring activity on a rocking boat! Our Red Baron host had also been DJing for some really good pirate songs.
And finally.... they heard their favourite pirate song and the children started standing up one by one and danced, and "arrrrrrr-ed!" Everyone was having a fantastic time!
Miss Spencer (and I think this also speaks for all the adults around) was very much impressed with the behaviour of the children.
At least, for the last couple of years, a trip to the Red Baron was a highlight of being in Year 1. And even parents and adults are anticipating this because the children get to wear creative pirate costumes. Thanks to Miss Spencer for organising this in both years. This is definitely something we will miss as she moves on, but at the same time, we are excited for her and for the new teacher who will take our upcoming Year 1 students on their own topical adventure!