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Year 4 visited a Mummy in Samui!

As part of their topic on the Egyptians the year 4 class had the amazing opportunity of a first-hand experience of"mummification". They have learnt that this is the ancient Egyptian practice of preserving the body after death.

During a visit to the Mummified Monk in Wat Khunaram on 28th September the amazed year 4 students saw a real "Mummy". In Thailand, the process of mummification is common for revered monks who departed in peace. Thais are keen to preserve the body of a revered monk to remind them of the lives the monks led. This particular monk died 42 years ago at the age of 87 years old, which means he would be 119 years old today had he lived that long!

Upon arrival at Wat Khunaram in the South of the island, our young historians wasted no time and paid their respects to Luang Pho Perm. The children were fascinated by how well-preserved his body is and learnt a lot about the art of mummification by having the chance to experience this in "real-life".

After paying their respects, each student lit some incense whilst making a wish and sounding the gong by rubbing it. Mr Andrewartha showed his students the proper technique, telling all of them how talented Mrs A. is at playing this instrument.

This school trip covered many areas of learning from history to geography, Thai culture to art, literacy to religion. Every student was encouraged to draw the structures that interested them in their sketch books.

The trip ended with a wonderful story-telling from Mr Andrewartha about how Buddha founded Buddhism.

On the way home everyone got a little treat from Mr A for displaying such good behaviour during their adventure. Well done year 4!


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