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Bromsgrove Heads interview Senior Students

Our school achieved another milestone last Academic Year when we struck a mutually beneficial relationship with Bromsgrove International School Thailand (BIST) in Bangkok. Since then, many of our Year 11 graduates have continued their studies at Bromsgrove, taking advantage of scholarship awards available to ISS students of up to 75% discount on tuition fees.

Bromsgrove is very happy to receive many graduates from ISS, given the excellent academic results our students have been achioeving in recent years. So on 29th November, Head of School and CEO, Dr Daniel Moore, together with the Secondary Principal, Mrs Ruth Young visited our school once more to meet interested students who wish to make a formal application or meet with parents who are interested to know more about their school.

It was a full day of meetings and interviews and we are looking forward to see a new batch of students going to Bromsgrove in August 2018. It is wonderful to be able to observe closely our former students and be able to celebrate with them as they fulfill their aspirations.


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